Launching CRMs & Marketing Automation for Sales Success

Launching CRMs & Marketing Automation for Sales Success Presented by Monique Morrison | Founder and Lead Coach of Success with Digital and ELITE Coach with DigitalMarketer

Lost sales and broken sales processes is the #1 thing holding businesses back. Defining your sales process and implementing softwares to automate that process can not only help prospects from falling off the map but it can also help you to understand where they fall off.

Salespeople are the lifeblood of businesses because they drive revenue into your company. The thing is, is that a lot of times they are inundated with so many touchpoints that they have to maintain. By implementing a CRM (customer relationship management) software and an email and marketing automation software, you can relieve that administrative pressure from your sales team and create a sales process that is set up for sales success.

During this workshop you’ll learn how to map out your sales process, what to plan for when implementing, plus see live examples of CRMs and email automations we’ve implemented for businesses just like yours.

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Apr 20 2022


12:15 pm - 1:15 pm


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