Start up Pitch Conference, Farm, Food & Hospitality

Startup Pitch Conference 2023

Nov 18, 1:00PM – 6:00PM ET

In this union, CSBW,  Volition and Restaurants Canada will bring to you a full scale conference that offers an electrifying pitch contest targeted to young women entrepreneurs. Canadians coast to coast will get the opportunity to build their network through our speed networking and build their businesses using information received from our workshops. We will offer 1 Panel of Experts Segment and will have a Virtual Expo area for you to interact with our vendors.

Are you looking for supportive capital to scale your business? Are you ready to take the next step in growing your team or entering new markets—but could use some funding to cover costs? Are you are suffering from information overload in the grant funding space, or you’re unsure where to start?

Great news – grants can fill this gap and Pocketed is here to help! Learn from Pocketed’s Co-founder + CTO, Dr. Aria Hahn, how to leverage grant funding in your business to achieve your hiring, research and development, market expansion, and training objectives. Not all supports are created equal, and Aria will show you how to expedite the grant search and application process and increase your chances of funding success.

This session is ideal for entrepreneurs looking to expand your current operations, hire or digitize your business. If your company is new: come learn about the funding that can help you grow—and how your grant opportunities will expand as your company gains traction!

Key Takeaways:

• Learn about a tool you can use to identify eligible non-dilutive funding opportunities for your business.

• Discover how you can recoup 50% – 100% of internal project costs without taking on debt or giving up equity.

• Learn the basics of grant funding and what you need to prepare a successful grant application— and when it makes sense to engage a professional for writing or review.

• Know where to access supportive services including grant writers, grant consultants, and financiers that specialize in grant funding.


FREE Registration Here


Nov 18 2023


3:30 pm - 5:00 pm


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