Look for Canadian sources for your business supports and services. How easy it is to become complacent with the tools we use to manage/support our small businesses. It is only when something happens, a nudge, like a pandemic or the potential for a trade war, do we...
Women of Manitoulin Entrepreneur Network Back in 2016, due to a need I had (being unable to find resources I needed here on Manitoulin to assist my business, but knowing they existed), I created a network called the Women of Manitoulin Entrepreneur Network (WOMEN)....
Income Taxes – Suggestions for the sole proprietor Soon 2024 income taxes will be due Following are some Income Tax Suggestions for the sole proprietor. Many small businesses are sole proprietors and as such their business information is included as part of...
Retirement Planning for the self employed – it is never to soon to start! My business is called $umthing. The “Sum” being an acronym for Students Understanding Money. Check out the website sumthing.ca for a list of different classes I offer re managing...
Can your customers find you? The importance of full and complete contact information. Can your customers find you? When I moved to the Manitoulin Island in 2013 and went looking for the various services I needed to run my business (lawyer, accountant, stationery...